Bravery in Ukraine

Brandfuel Ltd

Client: Ukraine Embassy in London

More than seven million people have been forced to leave Ukraine since the war began on February 24, with another eight million people displaced or fighting for their homeland. When the Ukraine Embassy to the UK asked Brandfuel to help organise the Bravery in Ukraine fundraiser in early April, there was no way we could refuse.

On May 5, collaborating closely with the Kyiv-based Banda creative agency, we created Bravery in Ukraine at Tate Modern - a two-floor fundraiser with 400 guests, two VIP speeches (one live, one virtual), seven immersive installations to explore, a live auction, and performances by world-renowned musicians. Our objectives were simple: to raise money and awareness of Ukraine’s plight. Banda’s Brave in Ukraine campaign highlights the dignity, hope and resilience of the country’s people. Using video and audio clips, and stories provided by Banda staff - many of whom were themselves displaced - Brandfuel created a moving and inspiring narrative for the embassy’s guests that had “an authenticity we could not have achieved without Banda”. This authenticity was essential if the fundraiser was going to hit its mark. The event had many emotional touchpoints that profoundly affected attendees, with several embassy staff moved to tears. The collaboration also touched Banda and Brandfuel staff. Mariana Kuniets, the Banda team leader, said that, initially, her colleagues were a bit in awe of Brandfuel, but soon they realised “there was no way it could go wrong. Co-creation and trust were the key ingredients, so we were truly grateful for this opportunity.”