Our Audience foundations are now stronger than ever, which freed more space to scratch our creative itch - resulting in our active client base growing by 117%, contributing to a YoY growth of 42% in new revenue. Noteworthy new accounts include YouTube, Adobe, GoCardless and OneWeb. We’ve seen a 322.88% YoY with one of our key accounts too. Our standout campaigns include - Virgin Media’s (VM) world-record breaking Speed Demons, delivering a world-first OOH 4D billboard experience with VM and being the driving force behind the YoY growth at Deloitte’s Shared Services Conference (SSC) for our fourth returning year. We’ve exceeded our international growth KPI by 20%, with experiences delivered in Lisbon, Paris, Amsterdam, Germany, Switzerland, NY, Hong Kong and Singapore (just to name a few). We credit this year’s successes to our powerful focus on our people, human-centred design and our creative ability to keep human connection at the centre of every experience – no matter how challenging the brief.